Irish Renewable Energy Summit 2024

Accelerating renewable energy delivery in Ireland
Croke Park, Dublin ● Thursday 14th November 2024








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Irish Renewable Energy Summit 2024 Accelerating renewable energy delivery in Ireland

The Government’s Climate Action Plan 23 has set challenging targets for decarbonising the Irish economy. The development of renewable energy sources plays a central part in the plan and includes the following actions by 2030:

✓ 80% of electricity from renewable sources
✓ Develop 9GW of onshore wind energy
✓ Deliver 8GW of solar energy
✓ Bring onstream at least 5GW of offshore wind energy
✓ Develop an additional 2GW of offshore wind energy for green hydrogen production
✓ Achieve a 70-75% share of carbon neutral heating in industry
✓ Install 600,000 heat pumps in residential buildings
✓ Develop up to 0.7 TWh of heating provided by renewable gas by 2030
✓ Increase the fleet of EVs and LEVs on the road to 940,000
✓ Raise the blend of biofuels to B20 in diesel and E10 in petrol

This ambitious plan is against a backdrop of an increasing focus on energy security and a growing climate crisis that has led the IEA to call for a trebling of renewable energy development globally. Whilst Ireland has made good progress in the use of renewable sources in the electricity sector, both the heat and transport sectors have been particularly challenging. The 2024 summit will look across all the sectors at plans to develop existing technologies and will also look at the potential for deploying new technologies such as green hydrogen.

The Renewable Energy Summit 2024 will provide a valuable opportunity to bring together the key stakeholders from across the energy sector, and those who interact with the energy sector to discuss how the contribution from renewable energy can be accelerated. The objective is to create a genuine in-depth understanding of the alternative paths open to Ireland in increasing the contribution from renewable energy sources. It will look at the challenges and opportunities including the planning system, the need for long term energy storage and the skills gaps impacting on the sector. It is the one event that brings together the renewable energy sector as a whole.

Conference themes Themes

  1. Delivering 80% renewable electricity by 2030
  2. Realising Ireland’s offshore wind potential
  3. The role of biomethane and hydrogen in decarbonising Ireland’s gas network
  4. Renewable electricity and electricity market reforms
  5. Renewable fuels in transport
  6. The role of ports in developing the offshore wind energy sector
  7. Renewable heat sources in Ireland
  8. Long term storage: facilitating renewable energy penetration
  9. Enhancing Ireland’s energy security by accelerating renewable energy
  10. Developing Ireland’s renewable energy supply chain

Speakers Confirmed speakers

Paul Lennon Head of Offshore Wind, Hydrogen & Long Term Storage ESB

John Reilly

Head of Renewable Energy Bord na Móna

Catherine Banet Professor Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law & Head of the Energy and Resources Law Department University of Oslo

Conor O’Dowd CEO The Port of Galway

Therese Murphy Business Development Manager Cornwall Insight Ireland

Andrew Edwards-Jones Social Scientist Plymouth Marine Laboratory

J Owen Lewis Chair IIEA Working Group on Climate and Energy

Full programme announced soon!

Sponsorship & Exhibition

There are a limited number of opportunities to become involved with this conference as a sponsor or exhibitor. This is an excellent way for organisations to showcase their expertise and raise their profile with a key audience of senior decision makers from across Ireland’s renewable energy sector. For further information on how your organisation can benefit, contact Jillian Wallace on +353 (0)1 661 3755 or email
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Early bird rate


(ending Thursday 19th September)

Delegate rate



Getting to the venue

Croke Park
Jones' Road
Dublin 3, Ireland